Thursday, November 15, 2012

Six Months Later...

This stuff...

plus these...

turned into...

 these cute little hair pins and bookmarks.

add a little ribbon and it looks like you really went the extra mile!

I made them for all of J's resource teachers (and good grief there were a lot of them!). I am happy to report that the numbers are dropping and he is doing fabulous in 2nd grade. It's nice to know the support is there and it's also nice to know we don't need it as much anymore.

I am pretty sure no one is out there reading this blog anymore (ever?) but I will continue to attempt to post because it will serve as record that I have a life other than laundry, housekeeping, and cooking. 
(not very well, I might add)

*am I the only one that when reading the title to this post, hears a french accent? I think I watch too much SpongeBob. Correction: I allow my children to watch too much SpongeBob

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Quick! Before I forget...

Ok, I know I haven't been keeping up with my promise of posting something monthly. Oh well, 30 lashes with a wet noodle for me ;)

I have made a few things, I just forgot to take pictures and post. Darn. Anyway, I had a great idea for my boys teacher and since we missed teacher appreciation week because they were sick I want to do this next week. I just need to write it down somewhere before I forget what it was I wanted to do!

I'm thinking of making two kinds of cookie dough and wrapping it in the shape of a log and putting saran wrap around it and freezing. Then put them in a (cute) oven mitt with a little note that says, "Thanks for making us a couple of smart cookies!" What do you think? I'll try and take pics and post when I actually do it. Note: I said "try" not "promise". Ha!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Worst Pictures Ever of Valentines Day Class Treats

In sticking with my monthly craft resolution, behold...

J went with the non candy treat. Actually J went with whatever I decided. Gosh that boy is easy (in some ways). Krazy straw made to look like an arrow. The little tag says, "Here's wishing you an arrow to the heart on Valentines Day". A little too violent? Well, he is a boy after all. I printed it in script so 1st graders couldn't read it anyway. Clever am I.

T wanted candy. All. The. Way. We found these cute lip pops. Think ring pop but lips. Ha! Added a little treat topper and Voila! Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezey.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Jubilent Fresh 365!

So here we are, 2012.

List o' resolutions...

1.  Create something once a month.

2.  Post about it on this blog.

3.  Yell less.

4.  Smile more.

5.  Eat less crap.

6.  Eat more vegetables.

7.  Move more...go to the gym perhaps?

8.  Clean and purge. Rinse. Repeat.

9.  Learn how to use the manual mode on my camera. I mean it this time. Really. I do.

10. Stick to the budget.

this just added...

11. Spearhead/Participate in a bubble blowing flash mob

So, those are mine. How about you?